Sunday, June 22, 2014

Working for Miracles

We have been inviting our missionaries to induce miracles by improving their obedience and being cleansed every whit from sin. Recently I received a letter from one of our obedient missionaries who shared a wonderful experience:

"We met one brother whose name is Srinivash by ITL ["Inviting to Learn"]. We did a follow up with him and fixed an appointment with him for last Sunday. We went and visited him. He told us that he is waiting for us from three days onward. He said 'I'm from Hindu background but I gave commitment to Jesus Christ that I will follow him. I waited for the right time from last year onward. I'm very happy to meet you." He said 'I'm ready for baptism because I believe Jesus Christ.' He told us and we went to his home. Not only he was there but his family - his mother and his brother and his sister in law. He is so good and he went to church before. They all are Hindu background but they believe Jesus Christ. We shared the message with them. They said they like this message. They feel so happy and thanked us for coming to their home. We like to visit again. Also we feel so happy because we met that time 4 investigators with their relative also . We never expected there will be four souls for us to meet. We are happy for this miracle which happened. We will follow up with them."

We are excited that we have the opportunity to help build faith in our missionaries and also to help establish the Lord's Church.

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